A Message from Pastor Pat

UPDATE as of August 2, 2020



To the Members and Friends of CCF,

We continue to have services each Sunday at 9am and 11am.  (They are about 45 minutes each which will allow time for cleaning and sanitizing in between services.)  We have made some changes to our Safety Procedures in regards to FACE COVERINGS.  (Please click here to read changes.)


The health of our people continues to be very important to me.  I want to reassure you that social distancing and health protocols will continue to be in place and strictly adhered to.  If you, at this time, are uncomfortable with attending, we completely understand.  For you, as well as others, we will continue streaming our 11am service.


I ask you to please carefully read and respectfully ask you to abide by the particulars of our Safety Procedures for Services at CCF which are attached.  I look forward to continuing our corporate worship and seeing a number of you this Sunday.

In Christ,

Pastor Pat



“For where two or three gather together as My followers, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:20 NLT